Comfortable and effective CPAP alternative

There is no denying that CPAP is an efficacious treatment for OSA.

At SomnoMed®, we believe that comfortable, custom made oral appliances like SomnoDent® are an effective treatment for mild and moderate OSA and are the alternative OSA treatment for patients who are non-compliant or won’t try CPAP.

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The Effectiveness Equation

We’ve developed the Effectiveness Equation – a tool that allows you to simulate a night’s treatment for your patient on either CPAP or an oral appliance. While CPAP is an effective treatment for a compliant patient, patients who stop CPAP therapy during the night may not be well treated. As patients generally wear their oral appliances for most of the night, the reduction in AHI over the night’s sleep may be similar on both therapies.

Click the video on the left to find out more about the Effectiveness Equation.

CPAP or oral appliances - What does the literature say?

For patients with mild OSA, the published clinical literature is clear – a custom made oral appliance is a good choice. For more information about treating your patients with mild OSA using an oral device, click the link below.

Patient Consulting Sleep Physician photo

The SomnoMed® Medical Initiative

At SomnoMed®, we understand that in many markets, patients receive CPAP as first-line therapy for OSA treatment. Our Medical Initiative looks to address the reasons why oral appliance therapy is not prescribed as first-line therapy.

We help Sleep Physicians:
• To find a trusted sleep dentist they can work with in the long term.
• Address misconceptions about oral appliances
• Promote and conduct clinical research in oral appliances.
• Position oral appliances as a first-line therapy for mild and moderate OSA, and for patients who refuse or give up on CPAP.

We work equally with dentists and sleep Physicians to help them treat their patients and address the ever-increasing burden of OSA.

Custom-made versus off-the-shelf

Should I choose a custom-made oral appliance or an off-the-shelf “Boil and Bite” oral appliance for my patients?
A systematic review of 3 studies and 129 patients published in 2018 examined this question and found:

Custom-made oral appliances achieved a significantly greater (p = .01) reduction in AHI when compared with the off-the-shelf oral appliance (-3.52 events per hour).

There was a significantly worse treatment response with the off-the-shelf appliance (p = .004) defined as either partial (50% reduction in AHI) or complete response (AHI < 5 per hour). 

The observed post-trial daytime sleepiness for the off-the-shelf device was higher (0.98), as determined by the ESS (p = .05).

Patient preference was significantly (p < .001) in favor of the custom-made oral appliance.

Patient adherence was also greater with the custom-made appliance, with two RCTs reporting patients wore custom made devices for more hours per night on more nights per week than off-the-shelf devices.

The conclusion from this study was that:

“Custom-made (oral appliances) offer clear definable advantages, demonstrating significant clinical effectiveness, patient preference and adherence.”

Reference: Johal et al “Ready-made versus custom-made mandibular advancement appliances in obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis” Sleep Res. 2018;27


In May 2021, we kicked off an industry-wide initiative to treat more OSA patients more successfully. We hosted SomSUMMIT ’21 to cultivate and foster industry collaborations that will produce the research, education, awareness, and pathways to Oral Appliance Therapy as a primary solution to successful OSA treatment.

Every patient is different and we have helped individual patients on their journey in finding a solution.

Find out what they went through and how it feels to wear a SomnoDent® oral appliance.

Patient stories

Derek’s story

“Before I found my sleep dentist I was sleeping with my CPAP device. This posed several problems for me. Most are the obvious: wearing the CPAP mask, trying to sleep with a hose attached to your face, having to travel with it, and then my allergy issues became more severe.

Maintenance is a pain as well. My SomnoDent® device has allowed me to enjoy life a bit more without the hassle of a CPAP. And, there is the added benefit of not having to make sure I have a source of power available. Which means, I can go camping again! I would recommend the SomnoDent® device to anyone with obstructive sleep apnea. It is life changing.”

- Derek

Izy’s story

For years I fought with my CPAP, I literally tried 15 masks and I will never ever go back to CPAP after discovering SomnoDent®. I love it and so does my family because they can finally sleep in peace.

I can carry it, no more lugging around that extra CPAP baggage, I just throw my SomnoDent® device and case in my backpack and keep going. I truly am a big fan and if I can encourage others to switch to SomnoMed®, I know for a fact their quality of life would improve tremendously. Here’s another thing, I had a problem with grinding my teeth at night, not anymore!

- Izy

Mandy & Al Mermelftein's story

Borris’ story

Although a bit reticent at first in the use of this tool, once I began using it and finding out how good a night’s sleep I could have after so many years of bad nights and untold other alternatives which always proved useless, I am now happy to let you know that thanks to SomnoMed® I am able to sleep very well and also that my wife can now enjoy a good night’s sleep without my racket at night.

- Borris

Susan’s story

“With a household to manage, motherhood, night school for advanced degrees, and two jobs – good sleep seemed an unattainable goal. Over the years of sleep deprivation, my health steadily declined with resultant hypertension, chronic sinusitis, and eventually atrial fibrillation.

I had a sleep study that showed moderate obstructive sleep apnea. A second study to fit a CPAP mask was a dismal failure – 14 different masks and nothing fit.

My dentist suggested a SomnoDent® and my life has turned around since I received it.  My husband is delighted that I no longer snore. I’m off my blood pressure medications. I truly feel like a new person with much more energy. I can’t thank you folks enough for my SomnoDent®. I’m convinced it has literally saved my life.”

- Susan

Shirley's, Jesus' & April's stories