Treatment with an oral appliance

Who is an oral appliance suitable for?
For almost everyone who snores or has been diagnosed with mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). An oral appliance (also known as a mandibular advancement device) is also an effective alternative for those who cannot tolerate CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy or mask therapy.

When is treatment with a mandibular advancement device recommended?

The innovative SomnoDent® mandibular advancement device (MAD) is particularly effective when treating mild or moderate sleep apnoea. The MAD is an effective alternative to a CPAP machine. However, not all NHS Sleep Services currently offer MADs as part of their service so you may need to contact a dentist with an interest in sleep medicine.

Many dentists who specialise in sleep medicine recommend the SomnoDent® device to their patients as it is a comfortable and highly effective solution to sleep apnoea and snoring.

Always contact your GP first if you suspect you may have sleep apnoea.

How does an oral appliance work?

The SomnoDent® MAD is individually adapted to the shape of your jaw. The device is made up of two arches, one for each of the upper and lower jaws. The SomnoDent® device has a patented design. The device gently holds the lower jaw forward in the ideal position required to alleviate symptoms.  The throat muscles and surrounding tissue are opened up by this process and the tongue remains forward.

When you wear your SomnoDent® MAD at night, your airways remain open while you sleep, therefore the soft tissue in the upper throat area no longer vibrates, so eliminating the main cause of loud snoring.

The MAD comes with extra soft, tooth and mouth friendly SMH B-Flex lining which provides a very high level of comfort and remains odour free.  A survey among users of the device showed an extremely high level of satisfaction with around 88% wearing it regularly.  91% of users confirm and improvement in sleep quality. Regular use increases the success of the treatment and leads to long-term relief, which can noticeably reduce the risks associated with sleep apnoea.

Patient stories

Michael’s story 

“I have been using my Somnomed® device for about two years now. It has completely improved the quality of sleep that I get and consequently certain aspects of my life for the better.

On the rare occasion that I forget to put it in the device my sleep deteriorates immediately. It’s invaluable.” Read more

Liz’s story

“Having suffered jaw and tooth pain over several months and following several appointments with my GP and regular dentist to no avail, I asked April (dentist) if she could give me a second opinion. After careful consultation April suggested that sleep apnoea and teeth grinding might be behind the issues and recommended a Somnomed® device to wear at night. Read more

Simon’s story

“My name is Simon Wilsdon I am a general dentist in York with a special interest in dental sleep medicine. Over several years I have experienced mild sleep apnoea and, unfortunately for my wife, loud snoring. I have tried several different mandibular advancement devices over the years. These have given initial improvement but nothing long lasting and were uncomfortable over time. After investigating different options, I decided to give the new SomnoMed® Avant appliance a try. Read more

Mohammed’s story

Mohammed was diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnoea in 2018.

“For the first year after my diagnosis, I had a CPAP machine in the home, but I really struggled with it, due to the anxiety of the mask being on my face all night. When I saw my Sleep Consultant, I was advised that I should not drive, and my driving license has now been revoked for more than 2 years. I have a family at home, with four children, so having no driving license has really affected our day-to-day lives. Little things like food shopping and trips out are much more difficult. Read more

Roy’s story

Like many people, l became aware that l was snoring during the night and feeling tired in the morning. This led me down the route of seeing my GP who felt l may have obstructive sleep apnoea and referred me to the hospital for further tests. There, l was given the Epworth Sleep Study questionnaire to complete which indicated l had daytime sleepiness but not severely. However further investigation was necessary and an overnight hospital stay was arranged where l had a sleep study conducted. Read more

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